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Traditional Chinese opera has been extremely popular in Taiwan. However, with the introduction of various entertainment and multimedia, audiences of traditional Chinese opera are reducing. It cannot attract the young generation. Thus, traditional Chinese opera needs new remarkable actors and professional playwright-directors and talents of stage technology and music in order to be revitalized. According to current troupe Director Su-Qiong Ou, media is developing and the audiences have the options of entertainment, such as movies, TV, internet, etc. They can watch the plays at home and do not need to go out for the performances. Sometimes there are more actors on the stage than the audiences. The basic problem of traditional Chinese opera is the lack of new actors and the constant reduction of audiences. Thus, traditional Chinese opera must change the performance of troupes and it needs new professional playwright-directors to combine the scripts with modern social events. It should apply technology media in order to be associated with modern people’s lives and thoughts. Thus, it can more young audiences.



New scripts to attract more young



New combination between traditional

Kunqu Opera and modern theater

According to Director Su-Qiong Ou, in recent years, there are some innovative attempts of Kunqu Opera. For instance, based on traditional Kunqu Opera, 1/2Q theater combines theater, visual effect and dance in order to present creative “New Kunqu Opera”. One of the works of 1/2Q theater, Love Letter, was applauded by different circles. The work combined classical and avant-garde elements and with the collaboration of theatre director, visual art creator, Kunqu Opera actors and multimedia designers, it adapted classical scripts and based on the installation work “Truck” as the central image, it created different space such as building, cabin, study and stage. Thus, the traditional play became interesting, original and classical. Director Su-Qiong Ou indicated that, traditional Chinese opera now relies on professional playwrights and directors who can develop more diverse creation, reinforce the performance and visual effect of traditional Chinese opera. Thus, traditional Chinese opera can be more popular and the audiences can be increased.



Experimental Kunqu Opera of 1/2Q

combines classical and avant-garde



Installation work of Love Letter,



Interviewee:Su-Qiong Ou, Director of Taiwan Peking and Kunqu Opera Troupe

Source of Photos:
Daily headlineshttps://kknews.cc/culture/2qya98y.html
1/2Q theater


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